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Homemades Picture Thread

Photos of Homemade Nerf Guns

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#1 boltsniper



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Posted 10 March 2005 - 04:39 PM

This is a thread that you can/should/will post pictures of your homemade Nerf guns.

Please post pictures of your homemades and give a brief description of them if you like.

This is not a discussion thread! If you are gonna reply you better post a picture with it.......... If you want to discuss...PM or start a new thread.


I`ll start it off:

Description: Bolt-Action C02 loser Type
Release Date: March 2003.
Caliber: Nerf Micros, Mega Stefans
Operation: Bolt-Action Magazine-Fed Rotating Bolt
Propulsion: CO2 12-gram cylinders
Magazine: Gravity Feed
Mag Capacity: 7
Overall Length: 34 in
Barrel Length: 15 in
Max ROF: 50 RPM
Max Range: 170 ft
Effective Range: 120 ft
Accurate Range: 70 ft
Intended Use: loser Duty

Posted Image

Description: Combustion Technology Demonstrator
Release Date: May 2003.
Caliber: Mega Stefans
Operation: Spring loaded Breach
Propulsion: Gas Combustion
Magazine: N/A
Mag Capacity: N/A
Overall Length: 44 in
Barrel Length: 24 in
Max ROF: 12 RPM
Max Range: 200 ft
Effective Range: 150 ft
Accurate Range: 100 ft
Intended Use Technology Demonstrator

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Description: Single Shot Pistol
Release Date: March 2004.
Caliber: Nerf Micros, Micro Stefans
Operation: Muzzle Loaded
Propulsion: Rubber Band Plunger
Magazine: N/A
Mag Capacity: N/A
Overall Length: 7 in
Barrel Length: 3 in
Max ROF: 20 RPM
Max Range: 30 ft
Effective Range: 25 ft
Accurate Range: 20 ft
Intended Use Secondary/PDW

Posted Image

Description: Fast-Action Frontline Rifle
Release Date: March 2005.
Caliber: Nerf Micros, Mega Stefans
Operation: Fast-Action Spring loaded Bolt
Propulsion: Spring Plunger
Magazine: Sprung Bottom Feed
Mag Capacity: 5
Overall Length: 30 in
Barrel Length: 7 in
Max ROF: 100 RPM
Max Range: 80 ft
Effective Range: 60 ft
Accurate Range: 35 ft
Intended Use Primary, loser

Posted Image

So everyone post your homemade pics here for everyone to see. Cause we all do. These threads are a lot of fun and can be very helpful for new homemaders to see whats out there. Hop to it.
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#2 1313



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Posted 10 March 2005 - 04:54 PM

I have made 4 homemades but 3 have broke so im left with one like cxwq's bamf homemade except mine has a very large airtank that acts as a stock, it shoots about 100 feet accuratly so I was pretty impressed with that. Anybody want to host some pictures for me?
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#3 Viper



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Posted 10 March 2005 - 05:31 PM

I can give you a website to put them on. Good idea bolt, I can't believe noone has ever made a topic for homemade pics. Someone find a pic of the best and put it on here.
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#4 Dan Wask

Dan Wask


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 06:57 PM

None of the pics are working <_<
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QUOTE (Arcanis @ Apr 9 2005, 12:02 AM)
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#5 boltsniper



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Posted 10 March 2005 - 09:25 PM

they work for me........

less talk more pics!
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#6 xedice



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Posted 10 March 2005 - 11:13 PM

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old zero valve gun... respectable ranges... horrible ROF

Caliber: Nerf Micros
Propulsion: Compressed Air
Max ROF: Slow as shit
Max Range: ~100ft
Effective Range: ~70f
Accurate Range: ~40ft
Intended Use: Fun only

Edited by xedice, 10 March 2005 - 11:17 PM.

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#7 boltsniper



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Posted 12 March 2005 - 11:58 PM

Come on people! I know a lot of you have built something that shoots a foam dart. Post em here. We all want to see.....
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#8 pigeon4



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Posted 13 March 2005 - 09:23 AM

My Longarm (WIP):
Caliber: Megas or Micros
Propulsion: pump
Max Range: 25ft
Accurate Range: 10ft
Intended Use: losing
Posted Image

Breech Rifle with Silencer:
Caliber: Micros
Propulsion: pump
Max Range: 30ft or 40ft
Accurate Range: 25ft
Intended Use: losing
Posted Image
I'm quite proud of this one. I only wish the ranges were better.

Copy of 3DBBQ's bullpup:
Caliber: Micros
Propulsion: pump
Max Range: ?
Accurate Range: 25ft
Intended Use: test of the design
Posted Image

Edited by pigeon4, 13 March 2005 - 10:25 AM.

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Current Projects:
1.Nerf XM8 Assault Rifle (WIP)
2. Nerf Gatling Gun (in planning)
3. LD-1 Rifle (in planning)
4. Striker Pistol (in planning)
5. Nerf Shotty (in planning)

#9 boltsniper



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Posted 16 March 2005 - 05:04 PM

Well I`ll add some more gun porn since not many of you seem to want to post you pics in this thread...... <_<

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Come on guys! I know you have em...post em.

Those are pretty nice looking Pigeon4

Edited by boltsniper, 16 March 2005 - 05:08 PM.

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#10 Greek Assassin

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 08:10 PM

Right now I'm working on a "Halo 2" loser rifle. It has a gravity fed clip and a rotating bolt like boltsniper's rifle. All I have left to do is install the airtank, magazine well, magazine and pump. Stay tuned for pics once I'm done!

Boltsniper, how exactly does the "Bolt 2" work?

Edited by Greek Assassin, 31 March 2005 - 08:13 PM.

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QUOTE (Arcanis @ Apr 9 2005, 12:02 AM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

#11 MattPaintballer



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Posted 22 April 2005 - 11:32 PM

pigeon4, on Mar 13 2005, 06:23 AM, said:

Accurate Range: 10ft
Intended Use: losing

Accurate Range: 25ft
Intended Use: losing

You've got to be kidding me.
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#12 pigeon4



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Posted 23 April 2005 - 07:33 AM

MattPaintballer, on Apr 22 2005, 08:32 PM, said:

pigeon4, on Mar 13 2005, 06:23 AM, said:

Accurate Range: 10ft
Intended Use: losing

Accurate Range: 25ft
Intended Use: losing

You've got to be kidding me.

I've mostly deemed the Longarm a failure and the breech loading one isn't getting the best seal with the darts.....along with having a leak or two.

edit: The longarm would be a really good gun, but the hose nozzle releases the air too slowly.

Edited by pigeon4, 23 April 2005 - 07:35 AM.

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Current Projects:
1.Nerf XM8 Assault Rifle (WIP)
2. Nerf Gatling Gun (in planning)
3. LD-1 Rifle (in planning)
4. Striker Pistol (in planning)
5. Nerf Shotty (in planning)

#13 Crotalus



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Posted 28 May 2005 - 07:00 PM

The "Bolt-2" seems to be akin to a potato gun.
You fill the tank with combustible gas, then ignite it
with the greenish lighter in the picture there.

The explosion in the tank would force out the
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#14 MysticNinja



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Posted 28 May 2005 - 08:28 PM

boltsniper, on Mar 10 2005, 01:39 PM, said:

Description: Combustion Technology Demonstrator
Release Date: May 2003.
Caliber: Mega Stefans
Operation: Spring loaded Breach
Propulsion: Gas Combustion
Magazine: N/A
Mag Capacity: N/A
Overall Length: 44 in
Barrel Length: 24 in
Max ROF: 12 RPM
Max Range: 200 ft
Effective Range: 150 ft
Accurate Range: 100 ft
Intended Use Technology Demonstrator

Crotalus said

The "Bolt-2" seems to be akin to a potato gun.
You fill the tank with combustible gas, then ignite it
with the greenish lighter in the picture there.

The explosion in the tank would force out the

... it would seem so wouldn't it
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#15 MFRnync



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 10:06 AM

Boltsniper, my team has built several of your FAR rifles and while they are of excellenct reliable and sound design I was wondeing if you had any plans to devlop a slightly less bulky or perhaps higher capacity magazine? My group and I are trying to determine if smaller shells would be a possibility to allow the user to carry more ammo.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#16 boltsniper



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 06:58 PM

Several eh? Badass! This being the picture thread and all, you definietly need to post pictures (per the rules at the top of this thread).

It would be hard to make the magazine less bulky. I`ve thought about switching to a 1/2" CPVC barrel with CPVC shells which would be substantially smaller. You could probably get 7-8 CPVC shells in the current magazine that only holds 5. You could always double stack the rounds in the magazine but that would make it really fat and the receiver would have to be just as wide to accomodate it. So, with the current shells it doesn`t seem like there are any practical way to extend the capacity except for a longer mag.
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#17 murakumo32



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 08:57 PM

i have a bunch of springs, but none of them work for a magazine
i if someone can give me pointers that would be great
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#18 MFRnync



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 08:06 AM

What about building a spring wound box or drum magazine? It would work on a simple clowckwork principle and it could probably hold ten or more of the shells and the magazine would be even shorter than it is now. Weve already made some ergonomic changes to the rifles design on an individual basis. We rubberized the foregrips and put a rail system on two of the rifles from an airsoft gun. One of my temates has also engineered a folding stock and put houge gun grips over his pistol grip :unsure: . I myself am not the most skilled gun builderalthough once the plans ae laid out I can do it no problem. However Im the idea man behind nearly all my teams innovations and they help out with the actual building process.

Edited by MFRnync, 17 July 2005 - 08:11 AM.

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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#19 tucker



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 03:08 PM

One of my homemades :
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#20 cxwq



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 04:03 PM

MFRnync, on Jul 17 2005, 05:06 AM, said:

Weve already made some ergonomic changes to the rifles design on an individual basis. We rubberized the foregrips and put a rail system on two of the rifles from an airsoft gun. One of my temates has also engineered a folding stock and put houge gun grips over his pistol grip

Again, per the rules of this thread you're going to need to post some pics.
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#21 tucker



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Posted 24 July 2005 - 03:14 PM

Sorry , wrong forum.

Edited by tucker, 24 July 2005 - 03:16 PM.

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#22 boltsniper



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Posted 24 July 2005 - 06:38 PM

MFRnync, on Jul 17 2005, 08:06 AM, said:

One of my temates has also engineered a folding stock...

HOW? If it is a copy of my rifle then the mainspring is housed in the stock. Unless you redesigned the entire action you couldn`t have a folding stock on it.

Anyway, here's a pic to keep this PICTURE thread going.....

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#23 kirb13



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Posted 13 August 2005 - 12:15 PM

I noticed that most of the guns here use pumps. Are there any writeuops for pump powered guns? I want to know some designs for pumps mounted on the guns, instead of external and used to repressure air tanks when at base. I would really appreciate knowing how to do this, as it seems that nobody has said how. I know this is a PICTURE thread, but it seems that nearly everyone posting here knows how to do it.
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#24 flamebo388



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Posted 13 August 2005 - 04:09 PM

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Update, I redid the rifle for a more streamlined and less bulky look, a 2' long sch80 barrel complete with ported barrel tip makes it one hell of an accurate rifle. Range is a 80' with 5 pumps, but I think the barrel is too long.
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#25 TriggerHappyAzn



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Posted 05 September 2005 - 05:29 PM

Using pop-up sprinklers to make scopes is a waste.
Instead do this-
Posted Image

Designation: LS-3
It has a folding stock, working silencer, and outshoots my modded nite finder by quite a bit.

Caliber: stock micros only (iono why it cant take stefans)
Propulsion: plunger
Max ROF: 20 rpm
Max range: 80 ft
Effective range: 60ft
Accurate range: 40ft
Intended use: to see if pop-up sprinklers were worth anything

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